Monday, January 2, 2017


As I kid, I never remember it raining on Sunday. Logically, I know this isn't true. Of course rained on Sunday, but when I think about Sundays growing up I can feel the sun shining and smell roast cooking. I can hear laughter and hymns and the birds sweetly singing.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I See You.

Being a Mom is hard. Like real hard. I know this is a universal truth because A) All us moms are always talking about it. #MomLife. and B) Ummm I am mom. Duh! Us moms make it no secret we expect our "not quite as good" better half to step up or get out of the way, but then we turn around and act like they aren't trying or aren't qualified.  There are really awesome dads our there, a lot of them actually. I am gonna be honest with you...I have no idea what it is like to be a dad. (I know shocking, right?) But I expect they get a little sick of the whole of society acting like they are the redheaded stepchildren of parenting.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


In middle school and high school, crammed into close quarters, surrounded by the same people year after year, a social pecking order emerged; I was at the bottom of it. But that girl...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Raising Nerds! - We are #HouseJones

I am nerd. I have always been a nerd. These days being a nerd is the new black. So I am cool, right?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Parent Fail 518 - A Bug Lie

The world was thawing out after a particularly cold winter. It got down into the teens quite a few times! Ok, so NOT Nebraska cold, but colder than us southerns are accustomed to. They closed the office for snow and ice. TWICE! (That never happens.) It was wonderful spending those two days in my pajamas binge watching Netflix and playing World of Warcraft. But alas, spring had sprung. You could smell it in the air: flowers blooming, the fresh scent of rain. The days were finally becoming longer; it was no longer dark when I got home...

Monday, December 7, 2015


Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a...WAIT! I should preface this with a confession...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving: Food and More

It's Thanksgiving week. I love Thanksgiving! It's all about eating and shopping, two things I am very good at, hence my maxed out credit cards and obesity. I jest. Kind of. Thanksgiving, its about food and SO MUCH MORE!...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Parent Fail 517 - Only Human

It was a particularly hard week. I was drained. I had been running empty for weeks. There was yelling. Cursing. Tears. David had had enough. He was blunt and to the point. "You're not acting like a good very mom when you treat them that way. They didn't ask to be your kid." He was right and he knew it. What he didn't know is I how I wept on my lunch break and poured out my heart to my children in a letter they would never read. They are too young to understand the truth about their mother.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Parent Fail 516 - The Vagina Dialogue

Bedtime is one of my favorite times of the day. Almost every night Colver and I snuggle up for some one on one time and talk. Topics range from thinking up silly names to call Daddy (I know, that's how bullies are made. Don't judge.) to what toys he should take on vacation...sometimes though things can get real...